Leadership performance coaching

The best leaders aren’t born, they’re made

Our approach to leadership coaching stems directly from our experience in business management and organisational psychology. We believe that today’s best performing leaders are those able to understand and manage the boundaries of both their role and their own individuality:

Role - their tasks, resources, authority, responsibilities and accountability

Individuality - their values, personality strengths, capabilities, motivations and limiting beliefs

The goal of coaching is to help the client explore these areas and their interactions, and turn them into performance-led behaviours and actions - or breakthrough themes, as we call them.

Breakthrough themes

We focus on breakthroughs because we want to enable long-lasting change that allows the client to reach their full potential. We want to identify and overcome the biggest obstacles blocking their best performance.

Each breakthrough theme is broken down into annual goals using the SMARTIE goal criteria, and then subsequently into monthly micro-goals. And together we constantly review the progress towards these.

Why annual? Because effective change requires self-awareness, goal setting, accountability and practise.
In other words… time.
Plus humans have evolved to think in year-long time spans e.g. calendar, age, financial and school years.

Performance tracking

What further sets our leadership coaching apart is the focus on measurement and performance tracking.

Our clients have access to the New Level Results dashboard which allows them, alongside their coach, to score and comment on their progress each month. This visualisation of their progress drives the momentum and personal accountability so critical to successful change.

It also provides clear evidence for the effectiveness and ROI of the coaching programme itself.

Our Programmes and Services

Your Breakthrough Year workshop

It all starts with the Breakthrough Year workshop session - a 3-4 hour coaching session - where you create your one-page plan built on key questions and exercises facilitated by the coach.

Key areas such as Values, Limiting Beliefs and Guiding Principles are explored and utilised in creating the Breakthrough themes and Annual goals.

Throughout the session the client is supported in thinking deeper and bigger to really define what a Breakthrough Year would look and feel like for them - their best year ever!

At the end of the workshop session, the client leaves with a clear and concise plan and the choice to implement it on their own, or sign up for the annual coaching programme.

Your Breakthrough Year annual programme

Momentum and consistency are key to realising your Breakthrough Year - and the annual programme is designed to maximise your success. 100% shared commitment.

Each month the client defines their monthly micro-goals against each of their Breakthrough annual goals. At the end of the month, via the New Level Results dashboard, they score and comment on their progress against each goal, as well as how well they have lived their values, beliefs and guiding principles.

Then within their monthly coaching session (1.5 hours, in person or on Zoom), they explore that month’s progress, accomplishments and challenges. The dashboard becomes a visualisation and tracker for their coaching journey towards Breakthrough and beyond.

Facet5 Personality Profiling

An additional insight tool we offer our coaching clients is Facet5 personality profiling, which provides a hugely valuable learning and application opportunity for those looking to utilise their unique strengths in their approach to leadership, management and career growth.

  • Facet5 is a robust and insightful personality profiling tool based on the globally recognised Big 5 personality traits.

  • Our personality is the unique combination of enduring patterns of behaviour and thinking that impact how we perceive the world and the people we come in contact with.

  • The Facet5 Profile provides a snapshot of your personality against the five major elements of an individuals’ personality- Will, Energy, Affection, Control and Emotionality. These factors are then broken down into 13 sub-factors.

  • It provides a clear understanding of our strengths and the potential risks of our behaviour, and how it is perceived and affects others.

    This self-awareness enables the very change that we are working towards through coaching.

  • The first step is to complete a confidential questionnaire of 106 questions (taking 20 minutes).

    As an accredited Facet5 practitioner, I am able to review the comprehensive report, before taking you through your profile in a specific debrief session (1.5 hours).

    Afterwards the report is yours - including the detailed profile, Facet5 family portrait, and insights into management and teamwork preferences.

  • Personality Profile - £695

    Including the cost to Facet5 for the report, review time and the 1.5-hour debrief.

“I was impressed by the personalisation of insight into the way I think and behave at work. Andrew really helped me think about my characteristics as a positive, as well as avoid potential risk behaviours through easy to remember techniques.”

Anna Laird, Strategy Partner, Stick & Twist