Creating lasting change for individuals and the teams they make up

From 20 years in the corporate world, we learned the hard way that businesses are not that great at developing their people.

Not because they don’t care - they simply aren’t set up to value individuality.

What sets Mind & Matter Consulting apart is that we don’t just understand people, we understand what happens when you put diverse people together into teams. And teams are the life-blood of most businesses.

Just as each person has a unique personality, with behavioural strengths and flaws - teams have a group psychodynamic that affects how they behave and perform too. Get it right and the team becomes far greater than the sum of its parts.

This is what Mind & Matter is all about - working with individuals on how to lead authentically; and teams on how to come together to deliver as one.

This requires not only engaging with the practical, rational elements but also the messier stuff that sits under the surface - like motivation, authority and accountability.

And it’s here that the opportunity for change lives - long-lasting, effective change that delivers the biggest breakthroughs.

Meet Andrew

Hi, I’m Andrew Waddell, the founder of Mind & Matter Consulting, which I set up after emerging blurry eyed from 20 years in the advertising industry coupled with a year of home schooling in 2021!

It came about from the combination of corporate world experience setting up and leading teams to service clients such as IKEA, Volkswagen Group and the BBC; and the academic learnings from my Masters in Systemic and Psychodynamic approaches to organisations.

From this I concluded that many businesses are good at neither:

  1. Building resilient operating systems (by which I mean leaders or teams that truly understand their role or have the ability to make decisions for themselves) nor,

  2. Understanding and managing the psychological causes of poor team performance.

So I set up Mind & Matter to bring to leaders and their teams a deeper understanding of their explicit and implicit strengths and the ability to recognise and overcome their frailties; all with the goal of increasing fulfilment and generating breakthrough performance.

Andrew is an Associate Certified Coach with the ICF; Associate Coach with New Level Results Ltd; Accredited Facet5 Practitioner; and holds a Masters in Systemic and Psychodynamic approach to Organisations from the Tavistock and Portman Institute.

After a 20-year career in Advertising and Marketing agencies working with clients such as John Lewis, SSE Energy, Volkswagen Group, and P&G – including 4 years as COO at Proximity London – he founded Mind & Matter Consulting in 2021.

Mind & Matter Consulting has worked with clients across many sectors including Marketing Strategy, Finance, Mobile, Manufacturing & Distribution, Tourism & Leisure, and Pharma. In terms of individual clients he works with C-suite level personnel as well as with Department Heads and Team Managers.